ProgramExpozitieThe end. | BIOHAZARD @NAG


Faber – Splaiul Peneș Curcanul nr. 4-5

04 oct 2020

Interval orar:
22.15 22.55


Alexandra Boaru (RO)
Silvia Moldovan (RO)
Richard Kitta (SK)
Cătălin Petrișor (RO)
Michael Koch (AT)

  • Absorption and Assimilation (2019) – 1’31’’
  • Crow flying near the birds’ shelter Printzes (2019) – 1’47’’
  • De la Sepale la floarea soarelui (2019) – 05’44”
  • Porumbelul pinguin si gagica lui roscata (2020) – 2’02”
  • Window (2020) – 00’52’’
  • Parasite (2020) – 02’52’’
  • Seen each other (2018) – 08’00’’
  • META Camp (2018) – 04’48’’


Mirela Stoeac-Vlăduți

The screening The end. is part of META Spatiu contemporary art gallery project BIOHAZARD and brings together five artists: Alexandra Boaru (RO), Richard Kitta (SK), Michael Koch (AT), Silvia Moldovan (RO), Cătălin Petrișor (RO).

BIOHAZARD, organized by META Spațiu, is a first exhibitional exercise, an activation of the art project “Anthropocene. New Species”, which will, most probably, take place at the beginning of next year. This first chapter is structured as a series of artistic interventions – short-term capsule exhibitions, film projections, artist talks and performances, functions as an introduction on the theme of Anthropocene and highlights some of its main themes – in regard to repositioning the artist, the curator and the cultural institution to what the new meanings of the curatorial, artistic and exhibitional approach.

At the same time, this first chapter, inspired by the actual period we are facing at all levels, has a tampon, a transitional function, placed at the intersection between the acknowledgement of the dangers we face due to climate changes – which still seems to create problems of acceptance, reaction and openness to change at an individual, as well as at a global, level – and the acceptance, of projecting ourselves behind the inevitable moment of transformation and evolution.


Evenimentul face parte din Noaptea Albă a Galeriilor Timișoara



Galeria de artă contemporană META Spațiu, FABER


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