Sustainable feelings & Cut outs by Richard Kitta
Casa Artelor – str. Augustin Pacha nr. 8 (Galeria subterană/ Underground gallery)
31 mai - 20 iun 2019
Richard Kitta is an artist of interdisciplinary intersections. His works came out from the contemplation of the possibilities of sub-genres of media art or the revision of established concepts in this area. He focuses on permanent questions in the virtual – real relation, and deals with the relations between human and cultural code transcribed by computer linguistics. The author himself is an „intermedia” creating various links and semantic references. We feel that we are being lost in hyperspace; besides immersion, however, we perceive our physical dimension and become a concrete figure in the complex story of the artist.
The exhibition entitled „Sustainable Feelings & Cut Outs” offers a quasi-autonomous view of Richard Kitta on media art of today. In conjunction with the interdisciplinary discourse, in his art series and cycles he mixes and creates various formal and functional invariants. These original relics take the form of both digital (virtual) and physical. Playing with two-way data transformation is the author’s own – we see this principle, for example, in the cycles of QR Basho (since 2014) or Typo Totems (since 2016), which approximate its contextual thinking, while reflecting its multi-professional orientation.
„Sustainable feelings” are, according to the author, „a temporary start-point for moving away from the utilitarianism and uniformity of artistic media forms”. In addition to the author’s graphic manuals and related interactive interfaces, the exhibition also offers 3D objects that are closed by the QR Basho project. Kitta considers the literary material to be expandable and puts it into a variety of multimedia contexts. At Liquid Archive (2019), Kitta deals with the phenomenon of memory and „sustainability” of time and history, moving from autobiographical motifs to civilization. In his liquid archives or specially treated containers we find found objects that have the character of small kinetic and sound (waterproof) installations. As part of the exhibition, the author offers an extended digital version of this work in the form of „micro” video mapping. Another location is Paper Cut Objects and Default (2019). These are „reverse tutorials” to create an art work (DIY), which is a virtual sketch of utopian projects presented in a variety of forms, from simple 2D graphics and digital animation to 3D virtual environments overlapping into installation.
The exhibition „Sustainable Feelings & Cut Outs” draws an artistic view in terms of digital and algorithmic transformation, it is a kind of moving interface between architecture, design and conceptual art strategy. The common point of intersection is the open field of possibilities – as a subjective author’s intention par excellence.
Mirela Stoeac-Vlăduți, director of META Spatiu contemporary art gallery
Richard Kitta (*1979, SK) is a multimedia artist and cultural activist. He is behind the art projects DIG gallery, ENTER, MAO and Kotolňa. He works as a teacher at the New Media Studio at the Faculty of Arts in Košice.
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