Timișoara – Bld. Mihai Viteazu nr. 1, Căminul studențesc 1MV
10 iun - 10 oct / 2023
Dedicated to the new climatic, social, cultural and artistic paradigm in which we find ourselves and to which we are in the process of adapting, as individuals, as a society and as humanity as a whole. The project follows the central theme of adaptation to the two major aspects of change: on the one hand the climatic urgency, through works dedicated to human interaction with nature, and the positive or negative results of these interactions, and on the other hand the social transformation and the inevitable and necessary evolution of the way in which the interaction between artistic product and audience, artist and curator, culture and society is articulated, through the fluidisation and extension of the exhibition space towards alternative spaces. Starting from the premise that art is, by definition, an intermediary between idea and public, the exhibition will bring together a core of Romanian artists concerned with environmentalism in general, and with the new paradigm of evolution – defined as anthropocentrism.
The project consists of artistic research and production activities supporting the promotion of art in relation to nature and paradigm shifts. In the context of Timisoara 2023 – European Capital of Culture, the project becomes an important element both through the reputation of the artists, curators and experts in the project and the proposed theme.
In a context where the very existence of the planet is permanently compromised due to harmful human actions, the exhibition project addresses the collective need to redefine our role as part of a whole and to identify new models of cohabitation by rethinking the limitation of the human being and accepting hybridity in all its forms.
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The exhibition Expanded Nature sets to creatively explore our increasingly broader ties with nature, from a contemporary point of view, noting the landscape’s and surrounding medium’s evolution, analyzing our fears related to the destruction of the environment, to the climate changes, and to natural disasters caused by human interventions.
Organizatori: META Spatiu & SEPALE
Parteneri: Casa Artelor – Directia Judeteana pentru Cultura Timis, Forumul cultural austriac, kinema ikon, 12-14 contemporary, Complexul Muzeal Arad, Calpe, Prospero
Partener strategic: Universitatea Politehnică din Timișoara
Proiect cofinanțat de: AFCN
Video: reVoltaire
Sound: Social Networks Apocalypse by Humanfobia (attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Artwork: detaliu „Breathing plastic” – Andreea Medar, shoot by Medar Mihai
Program co-financed by AFCN. The project does not necessarily represent the position of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the grantee.
MV sci-art is a contemporary art and science centre founded by META Spațiu and the Polytechnic University of Timișoara, with the aim of generating transdisciplinary collaborations, dialogue and intersectional projects between various areas of expertise and interest.
META Spațiu (active since 2016) develops contemporary art projects that support and present the work of Romanian and international artists, with the intention of providing an insightful perspective on the art scene in Central and Eastern Europe. Until 2022, when it moved to its own space, META Spatiu operated as an ethereal art space, ,,parasitizing” other spaces – museums, galleries, public spaces – with the aim of developing medium and long-term collaborations with other artistic entities and actively contributing to the promotion of contemporary art and artists in various contexts.
The Polytechnic University of Timisoara, from the year 1920 when it was founded until today, has grown steadily thanks to the effort and dedication of outstanding academics, generations of outstanding students and the support of society and business. UPT is made up of 10 faculties and boasts over 135,000 graduates, being oriented towards the practical field of engineering and entrepreneurial activities, in line with regional economic traditions and the demands imposed by the parameters of the European technical avant-garde, complemented by new valences in the fields of administration, communication and public relations. The exceptional scientific and research activity, together with the quality of the teaching process, make the Polytechnic University of Timișoara, the oldest higher education institution in western Romania, a wonderful place to study and an ideal launch pad for a successful career.