Dan Perjovschi | Newspaper insert x Banatul azi
Timișoara – Bld. Mihai Viteazu nr. 1
19 may - 01 jul 2022
Visiting hours:
Tuesday – Saturday,
12.00 – 18.00
In a moment of uncertainty, in which the risk of desensitization is real, Dan Perjovschi’s drawings published in the local newspaper Banatul azi have the direct and immediate impact of the message – simultaneously visual and textual – that we must keep our attention to Russia’s inhuman actions on Ukraine. The insert in the publication thus becomes a current and urgent news, which brings back to the agenda an important topic, which should concern us all, but which is diluted day by day in the public perception.
* The artistic action is part of the series “Weapons of mass construction” organized by the cultural center MV sci-art to support Ukrainian refugees in Romania.
Evenimentul face parte din Noaptea Albă a Galeriilor Timișoara
META Spatiu & MV sci-art, Universitatesa Politehnica Timișoara